$65,000 and counting!

The Noosa Festival of Surfing team is very proud of the initiatives we have developed around sustainability and giving back over the years.

2022 was possibly our best year so far with over $65,000 raised between our two supporting charities. The Board Meeting & SurfAid.


An organisation that supports women and children in remote communities we love to surf…like Indonesia is a charity very familiar to surfers around the world.

On Friday 4th March, with 185 people in attendance, SurfAid managed to raise in excess of $15,000 via live and silent auctions with items donated by local shapers, artists, and businesses.

Joined by Nick Carroll, Layne Beachley, Brooke Farris & Pacha Light discussing women in surfing and the emphatic rise over the past decade, attendees enjoyed a fun night out in Noosa at the famous Beach Bar.

With drinks flowing on a sunny afternoon in Noosa, auction items flew off the bill and the goal of $10,000 was reached within a few items.


The Board Meeting is a local Sunshine Coast Charity started in 2005 by a group of surfers who wanted to support kids with disabilities who slip through the cracks of government support and funding.

So far, TBM has helped close to 400 kids and raised over $2,000,000. 100% of which goes to the charity’s beneficiaries.

On Thursday the 10th March, The Board Meeting hosted its 4th Noosa Charity Dinner with special guests Julian Wilson and Luke Egan.

The sold-out dinner raised over $50,000 for its cause from a number of items donated by surfboard shapers, local artists, and businesses all doing their thing to support those in need.

This was the best charity dinner ever recorded for the Noosa and will go towards supporting our beneficiary family on the night.

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