Birth of The Endless Summer

The Noosa International Surfilm Festival presents:
Birth of The Endless Summer
Dancing on Water
Expect live tunes and the mesmerizing voice of Lillian Fairfax on the deck, Tom Wegener as MC and hosting the Q&A with BIRTH OF THE ENDLESS SUMMER film director Richard Yelland, Belinda Baggs introducing KIN, some awesome Lucky Door prizes, and last but not least, inspiring surf films!
The Noosa International Surfilm Festival in collaboration with The Noosa Festival of Surfing presents a night of celebrating and exploring our rich  surf culture.
KIN – Film Directors Lauren Hill and Andrew Buckley
All of life–each breath, every sip–is an inheritance from those who came before.
Lauren Hill and Dave Rastovich travel to one of Australia’s most protected marine playgrounds to discover what it looks like when we get things right.
Special guest Belinda Baggs, Long board Champion and Patagonia ambassador will introduce this beautiful short film and share how people can work together to protect Australia’s ocean for good.
Dancing on Water – Film Director Josh Hauser
Dancing on Water is a 12-minute Short Documentary that dives deep into the paternal bond between Warrick and Felicity Palmateer. Despite all the obstacles and challenges they have come to face in life, the ocean has always kept them grounded, and most importantly a place of healing. It’s a beautiful story and at times dives deep into some real, raw and honest matters.
Birth of the Endless Summer – Film Director Richard Yelland
The wild true story of how a sexy Laguna beach surfer inspired the iconic film The Endless Summer and its search for the mythical perfect wave.
Dick Metz’s train-jumping, steamship-hopping tour, in the vein of On the Road and The Motorcycle Diaries, led to his discovery of “the perfect wave” at Cape St Francis, South Africa.
Dick’s travels not only inspired his friend Bruce Brown, but also paved the way for The Endless Summer to become a reality. BIRTH OF THE ENDLESS SUMMER follows the 90-year old Metz back to South Africa to retrace the steps of his original journey.
Featuring three generations of surfing’s highest profile characters from the 1950s right up to today, BIRTH OF THE ENDLESS SUMMER  is the new chapter in one of documentary cinema’s most iconic franchises.
CAST: Dick Metz, Bruce Brown, Bob Hurley, Rob Machado, Kelly Slater, Mikey February, Nat Young, Ryan Harris, Greg Long, Mike Hysnon, Robert August, Bianca Valentini, Dana Brown, Noah Kahn, Hobie Alter, Joyce Hoffman, Thomas Campbell
Tom Wegener will host an on-screen Q&A with Film Director Richard Yelland.
Doors and bar open at 6pm.
6pm -Doors and Bar OPEN
6pm -6.45pm – Live Tunes
7pm – Screening Shorts
7.40pm – 8pm Interval
8pm – 9.40pm Screening plus Q&A BIRTH OF THE ENDLESS SUMMER

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